ONLINE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM - 14 JULY 2020 (For Department of Basic English Students and Transfer Applications Only)

Students who plan to apply to our university outside of METU for the 2020-2021 Fall Semester (Additional Article 1, Additional Article 2, Directive for Student Transfers) are expected to take the EPE on 14 July 2020. You can follow the application dates here. You can find information about the application process here.

“Intensive Online Education Term” for 2019-2020 Spring Term and the Update on the Current Academic Calendar - 4

Dear Students,

In addition to the previous updates on the Academic Calendar regarding our ongoing online education process for 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Term, the dates related to Department of Basic English were rearranged.

You can access the 2019-2020 Academic Calendar by clicking here for the updated dates.

Best Regards.

Announcement of the Department of Basic English for the 2019-2020 Spring Semester Coronavirus Pandemic

Dear Students,

In line with the national precautions taken in the face of the extraordinary conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, online education has replaced face-to-face education at our university as of March 16, 2020.

As is the case in every extraordinary situation, we are experiencing difficulties in our everyday lives. New decisions are being taken in the light of changing conditions in order to ensure a productive and egalitarian educational environment.