2024 - 2025 Fall

Transfer Applications

Registrar’s Office

Directorate of Preparation School and Applications

Online Contact Form




01 - 12 July 2024

Online Transfer Application (Application program will be closed at 17.00 on July 12)

29 August 2024

Deadline for the Deans’ Offices to submit to the Registrar's Office their evaluation of applications for transfer



Candidates who will apply for a transfer within the framework of the "METU Directive for Student Transfers for Undergraduate Programs" and Presidency of the Council of Higher Education's "Regulation on the Principles of Transferring Between  Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Credit Transfer Between Institutions" can get detailed information by visiting the announcements of faculties mentioned below.


Faculty of Arts and Science : https://fef.metu.edu.tr/

Faculty of Engineering : https://muhfd.metu.edu.tr/tr/duyuru/yatay-gecis-basvurulari

Faculty of Education  : https://fedu.metu.edu.tr/tr/node/421/

Faculty of Architecture : https://arch.metu.edu.tr/announcement/2024-akademik-yili-guz-donemi-icin-yatay-gecis-basvurulari

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences :  https://feas.metu.edu.tr/en/applications-transfer


* The deadline for the submission of "Final Registration Forms" for the candidates whose transfer application is accepted will be announced in September on Registrar's Office webpage.


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01/07/2024 - 15:51