Important Dates

27 JANUARY 2025 The announcement of final grades
27 JANUARY - 02 FEBRUARY 2025 Deadline for the submission of Fall Semester Incomplete (I) grades (The program will close on 02 February 2025)
27 JANUARY - 03 FEBRUARY 2025 The resit exam applications for those who are in the semester of graduation by the Fall Semester
12 - 14 FEBRUARY 2025 Interactive Registrations and Advisor Approvals (2024-2025 Spring Semester)
24 FEBRUARY 2025 Deadline for the submission of Fall Semester grade corrections and resit grades as approved by the concerned Administrative Boards


The related rules and regulations are as follows:

ARTICLE 2-(1) This directive incorporates the provisions concerning the resit examinations given to last-semester students enrolled in the associate and undergraduate degree programs at Middle East Technical University.

(2) A student counts as a last-semester student if s/he passes all the courses s/he has taken in the semester s/he is registered, if s/he passes all courses located in departmental curriculum and meets all the conditions necessary to receive an associate/undergraduate diploma.

Provisions concerning resit exams

ARTICLE 3-(1) Last-semester students whose end of semester letter grades are (FF) or ( FD) for a maximum of two credit courses which are added to the GPA in the last two semesters and/or (U) for a maximum of one non-credit course, or last-semester students whose cumulative GPAs are below 2.00 although they have not received (FF) or (FD) letter grades are given the right to take a resit exam in their last semester for maximum two courses for which they received (DD), (DC) or (CC) that semester to be used until the interactive registrations for the subsequent semester.

(2) Resit exams are administered for courses with final exams.

(3) Resit exams are not administered in courses where the end of semester letter grades evaluations are based on student work done throughout the semester (e.g. design and studio courses, courses with laboratory work, practical training, term projects, thesis work, and courses related to thesis). Courses within this context are specified by the concerned department/graduate school department. The Registrar’s Office is informed of such courses and announces them.

(4) Students who have taken the final examination and received an FF, FD, or U grade for, or who have the right to take the final examination but did not take it can take the resit examination.

(5) Resit exams are not administered for the letter grade NA. Provisions concerning course attendance, the effect of course attendance on the end-of-semester letter grade, eligibility for the final exam, and the provisions concerning the letter grade NA are announced to students both verbally and in writing (in the course syllabus, on METU-online, etc.) by the course instructors at the beginning of classes in the relevant semester.

(6) Make-up examinations are not given to students who did not take the resit examinations.

Resit Exam Application

(1) Students who meet the requirements for the resit exam will apply to the Registrar's Office within a week after the announcement of the semester letter grades. After examining the student's status, the Registrar's Office informs the student and the related faculty members which courses will be given a resit exam.

The applications can be done by visiting the

Resit Exam Grade

ARTICLE 5-(1) Resit exam grade replaces the final exam grade.

(2) As indicated in the course program, the letter grade of the student after the resit exam is determined by taking into consideration the success of the student in the semester studies, the attendance to the courses and practices, and the grade taken in the resit exam.

The associate and undergraduate degree students who are in their final semesters for graduation in the 2024 - 2025 Academic Year Fall Semester need to make an application to sit for the resit examinations.

For the students who are on the graduation list for the 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester, resit exams can be chosen among courses taken during the last two semesters, as exampled below.

Example 1: 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester registered / 2023 - 2024 Spring Semester registered courses

Example 2: 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester registered / 2023 - 2024 Spring Semester on leave / 2023 - 2024 Fall Semester registered courses

Those students will make their application through the following program by entering the program with their username and password. The program will check the student’s status to take the exam depending on the related directive.

Applications for resit exams will be monitored simultaneously through the following program by the department chairs/lecturers.

Resit exams can be chosen among courses taken during the last two semesters for students on the graduation list.

The related department chairs will announce the exam schedule (date, time, place).

According to the related directive, the resit examinations can be scheduled until September 24, 2025.

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22/01/2025 - 09:48