Registration Withdrawal
Registration Withdrawal Program: Registration withdrawal process can be done online by using username and password via the program below. Before entering the registration withdrawal program, it is obligatory to personally contact with the Office of the Directorate of Library and Documentation Service and METU Medical Center.
Losing the studentship rights: Students who withdraw their registration by getting associate degree diploma or who fail to fulfill the graduation requirements lose all the studentship rights in the university and cannot re-register the program that they withdraw from.
Students who have debts: Students who withdraw their registration for various reasons or discharge from the university due to disciplinary penalty have to complete registration withdrawal procedure and fulfill any other financial obligations (tuition and education fee, dormitory fee, and library fee etc.) in order to get their diploma and related documents in the name of the student. The information of the students who have debts to any unit of our university is submitted to the system. Upon entering the registration withdrawal program, students can see the units they have the debt to. In such cases, students need to contact the related unit, pay their debts, and request the debt information in the system to be changed.
Students continuing double major/minor programs: Students who graduated from their major program but continuing a double major/minor program should withdraw the registration of only major program electronically.
Students whose username and password are canceled: Registration withdrawal program can be used by the students whose status is active in the system. The debts of the students can be seen by the related units of our university even if the students' status is non-registration. Since the username and password of the students, whose status is non-registration, are canceled, those students should go to Registrar's Office. Related department advisor in the Registrar's Office will inform those students about the related units. Then, students need to go to the related unit(s) and pay their debt. Afterwards, the students should go to the Registrar's Office again. The registration withdrawal process is completed by the Registrar's Office.
Updating the contact information: Students can see their contact information in the registration withdrawal program. This information should be updated in order to reach the student when needed. Students should check this information and update if there are any changes. The students who skip this step cannot withdraw their registration.
Delivery of the registration withdrawal form: After withdrawing their registration, students should take a print out and deliver it to the Registrar's Office.
In case of any problem: For the problems, you may encounter during registration withdrawal, you can send an email to .